Following recent singles ‘Sugar’ and ‘Samurai’, Ora The Molecule is completing their hat-trick of psychedelic pan-global pop with new track ‘The Cup’. As with past List Pick ‘Samurai’, the molecular trio of Nora, Sju and Jan translate feelings of empathy for others and the world into their multi-textural creations. This was something that the band were able to tap into once they escaped the increasingly self-centered, urbanised environment of Los Angeles. As Norwegian band member Nora recalls: I wanted to experience life without parking tickets, concrete, noise, pollution, traffic, gang affiliation and the inescapable focus on the money. I also had good memories of living in a Spanish village as a child and hoped that returning to that would help me reconnect with myself and gain perspective.” As well as the peaceful Andalucian surroundings, the band also took further inspiration Fleetwood Mac, Kraftwerk, Suzanne Vega, Mecano and Norwegian Sami musician Mari Boin. This patchwork of elements can be heard throughout ‘The Cup’, which bounces with world music rhythms, alt-pop electronics and joyous vocals. In addition, and what’s becoming an Ora The Molecule signature, there’s a spoken verse in Nora’s sultry Oslo accent - “The more I fill the cup / The less I can drink.” If we allow it, this philosophical nugget could slip through our fingers like water and allow our minds to escape into this dance-worthy track, or perhaps we’ll fill our cup with this wisdom. - Hannah Thacker
